APIMONDIA Working Group ‘Adverse Effects of Agrochemicals and Bee medicines on bees’
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rg-24G … rm?c=0&w=1
join all in!!!!
Hello and welcome to this survey,
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rg-24G … rm?c=0&w=1
This is a very simple questionnaire in order to record any toxicity events by plant protection or veterinary medicinal products observed in your colonies. Honeybee colonies around the world are facing perturbing damages by a number of parameters and among them toxicants as plant protection or veterinary medicinal products, as well as their possible synergy.In order to grasp a global dimension of the frequency of the toxicity events occurring and the possible drivers, we would like to ask you to participate to this survey.
The survey is anonymous and it is an initiative of the APIMONDIA Working Group ‘Adverse Effects of Agrochemicals and Bee medicines on bees’. It is not designed to draw statistical conclusions, rather to register the events. Its aim is not to replace any detailed initiative taken by other organisations or countries. Finally, the results of the survey will not be used for personal or institutional benefits. However, they will be used through APIMONDIA Federation as a proof of honey bee toxicity in the world in order to draw the attention of Public Authorities to the issue ‘Health and survival of bees’.
When we will get a significant amount of data we will upload the results in www.apimondia.com for your information.
Please upload the link of the survey on your website and inform your colleagues about this.
In advance, thank you for your inputs and collaboration.
On behalf of APIMONDIA Working Group n°9 ‘Adverse Effects of Agrochemicals and Bee medicines on bees’
Dr. Fani Hatjina
Director of Institute of Animal Science
Hellenic Agriculture Org. “DEMETER”
63 200 Nea Moudania – Greece
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rg-24G … rm?c=0&w=1